P e r s o n
W h o
C a n
E x p l a i n
C o l o r
T o
B l i n d
M a n
C a n
E x p l a i n
E v e r y
T h i n g
I n
L I F E...
10 Cute Text Messages To Send to a Boy

people appreciate receiving little cute text messages every now and
than. You can send a random little love note to your boyfriend, husband,
secret lover or the guy next door. Here are 10
cute text messages to send to a boy:
1. “Last night was incredible… can’t wait to see you again =)” Tweak
this message to fit your circumstances and feel free to send it after a
2. “Can’t stop thinking about how irresistible you are and how I want
to…” Send this text message anytime you want to make him crave you.
3. “I miss your smile/eyes/hands… counting the minutes until next we
meet…” One of the best cute text messages to send to a boy when you are
4. “Just the thought of you makes me smile… =)” A simple yet
effective sms message to remind him of you and let him know you are
thinking about him.
5. “I love you more than you’ll ever know…” A very basic and totally cute text message to send to your partner.
Now, before I continue with more cute text messages to send to a boy,
let me share something with you. You can make the above messages 100%
more effective if you start by lighting up his curiosity and tickling
his imagination. Men are predators by nature, so anything that makes you
a little bit mysterious will drive him crazy. Take a look at the
following examples:
6. “I can’t stop thinking about…” Start by sending this message and
wait for his answer. He is very likely to ask “About what?”. And than
you can say “About last night… How your hands felt on me… can’t wait to
see you again…”
7. “If only I could…” An excellent starting message for a sequence of
sensual text messages. Once he responds, you can send “Hug you right
now… I miss your hands around me… counting the minutes until next we
meet =)”
8. If you simply want to send your loved one an appreciation message,
start by sending something like “I can’t stop thinking about…” and
continue with “How lucky I am to have you in my life… Love you more than
you’ll ever know”. You can focus on any positive trait your partner
has. This particular text message is also an excellent opener for a
series of “dirty” text messages.
9. “I am falling…” I bet you can already guess what your next text message should be.
10. “I was wondering…” By sending this message, you open the door to
endless possibilities. You can be creative and romantic and continue
with “…if I can be your nothing… as nothing lasts forever, right?=)” Or,
you can make him carve you by sending a series of sensual text messages
such as “If you’ll like it when I…”
As you can see, there are countless cute text messages to send to a
boy. And you don’t need to be genius to come up with smart, creative and
flirtatious text messages that will make a guy want you. Actually, the
easiest way to master the art of text message flirting is to do what I
did: get Michael Fiore’s “Text The Romance Back” program.
I highly recommend you to check out “Text The Romance Back” for
yourself and see how sending these little text messages can make a
drastic change in your love life.
Cute Text Messages to Send to a Boy Examples:
You: “I feel dizzy…”
Your partner: “Why? What’s wrong??”
You: “You make my word go ’round =)”
You: “If only you were here right now…”
Your partner: “Oh… what you want to do to me? =)”
You: “Nothing… just cuddle and fall asleep together…=)”
You: “Come on… I know you are thinking about me =) Can’t wait to see you again too, so relax… =)”
Nice people are blessed people, ever friendly, always smiling, forgive
easily, hold no grudges and keep no malice. Send this to a nice person. I
just did. Only the open heart receives
Only the open mind receives
Only the open hand receives
Only the CUTE 1's receive